December is considered an auspicious month for Lord Ayyappa. During the Tamil month of Karthigai, Ayyappa devotees begin wearing the sacred “maalai”, engage in special prayers, observe fasting, and undertake a pilgrimage to the Sabarimala temple to fulfill their vows and prayers.
Gunarat George, Member of Parliament for Sentosa, has called for the creation of dedicated pathways at airports to accommodate Ayyappa devotees traveling to Kerala, India. These devotees carry their “Irumudi” and follow strict austerities for 48 to 60 days as part of their pilgrimage.
Gunaraj George mentioned that upon raising this matter with the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Transport, they promptly initiated the necessary arrangements to resolve the issue.
“They took immediate action and contacted Malaysia Airports to gather all the necessary information. The next step is to introduce special facilities at the airport. Since devotees arrive barefoot, it is important to ensure they are treated with dignity and respect. A dedicated facility should be set up exclusively for them,” he said.
He further explained that, since most of the pilgrims are elderly, extra care must be taken to ensure their journey is safe. “Upon observation, the majority of the pilgrims are elderly, and some may have a strong desire to fulfill this spiritual obligation. Therefore, these arrangements will be of great help to them,” said Gunaraj George.
Meanwhile, Sentosa Member of Parliament Gunaraj George stated that the Ministry of Transport, Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB), the Malaysian Immigration Department, Malaysian Airlines, AirAsia, and Batik Air companies will collaborate to find a seamless solution to this issue.
Source: Bernama
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