Witten and helmed by Deepak Fain, Bujili is a short film solely committed to the increasingly ludicrous situation in which the characters find themselves in. Many of it’s humour is taken from its cast of characters’ overblown pomposity, as they all desperately struggle to make sense of what’s happening. The short film is carried towards its conclusion by a strong message and great acting, where the final character details it even more.
The whole of this short film may depend on that single joke, but in the surprises that the director tosses into the film, and in the way that various characters react to him, there is enough diversity that it manages to keep things amusing.
Bujili stars Sattia Nadesan, Naventhiran Thandapani, Turgadevi Arumugam, and Logeswari Ganesan.
Watch out how the short film ends:
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