The famed Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut will be playing a significant role in P. Vasu’s Chandramukhi 2. The first look of the award-winning actress has just been released, and it seems to be a call back to the character of Chandramukhi herself from the original 2005 Chandramukhi film, which was also directed by P. Vasu. She is adorned in a historically inspired courtesan costume with a modernised touch.
The film will also star Raghava Lawrence, who will play the lead role. In the first Tamil Chandramukhi film in 2005, the protagonist role was played by Rajinikanth, and the role of Chandramukhi was played by Jyothika, who was awarded the Kalaimamani Award for her striking and unforgettable performance in the film. Chandramukhi, till today, remains an iconic pop culture reference, and part of it is also due to Vadivelu’s phenomenal comedic performance in the film. He too had garnered himself a Kalaimaamani Award for his work on this now classic film.
P. Vasu will be directing this sequel to his blockbuster hit film, and fans are eagerly awaiting to witness his magnificent work on this adaptation. P. Vasu is also an award-winning director who delivered commercially successful films like Uzhaippali, Chinna Thambi and Nadigan.
This highly anticipated film will have a stellar cast of Raghava Lawrence, Kangana Ranaut, Vadivelu, Laxmi Menon, Radhika Sarath Kumar, Vignesh, Ravimariya, Shrishti Dange, Subhiksha, YG Mahendran, Sai Aiyyappan, Suresh Menon, and many more. It is expected to come out this year during the Hindu festival of Ganesh Chaturthi in September.
Source: India Glitz
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