Chandramukhi is a spectacular blockbuster Tamil film directed by P.Vasu and starring the legendary Superstar Rajinikanth, Lady Superstar Nayanthara, the ever-stunning Jyothika, VaigaiPuyal Vadivelu, and Ilaya Thilagam Prabhu. The film has been a box office triumph since its initial release on April 14, 2005. The film sold over 20 million tickets worldwide. The excitement generated by this movie is a barometer for any other upcoming films to beat in terms of success and box office receipts.
All masterpieces ought to be tweaked as time passes. As for this movie, director P.Vasu made yet another wonderful decision to make part two of the movie, a continuation from part one of the movie, only this time, Superstar was replaced with Lawrence Master to play the role of Vettaiyan as for Chandramukhi is played by Kangana Ranaut and all the other roles had been replaced by new stars, but VaigaiPuyal Vadivelu gets to sustain from the previous movie.
The movie was originally scheduled to be released on September 15, 2023, by Lyca Production, but unfortunately it has been postponed to September 28,2023, due to technical delays, which has caused more confusion in the industry as there are five other movies scheduled to be released on the same date. None of this is keeping the viewers from being curious to see how the new Chandramukhi team will amaze them.
Lawrence Master, Kangana Ranaut, Radikaa Sarathkumar and Vadivelu star in key parts while actress Mahima Nambiar, Lakshmi Menon, Shrusti Dange and actor Rao Ramesh play supporting roles alongside other brilliant performers. This next hit will released on all four languages: Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Hindi.
Trailer Launch
Recently, the team launched the trailer of the film which was telecasted on Sun TV which was pact with complete heartfelt speeches from the cast and crew. The whole event was extremely and of course the star of the show is the trailer which had Hollywood standard editing and incredible visuals.
The trailer begins with Chandramukhi’s beautiful location shots in the castle, followed by the legendary king’s call chant. Then there’s the Vettaiyan, who has a lot of charisma, followed by other scenes that introduce the remainder of the characters. From Beginning to conclusion, the trailer alternated between action, mystery, and comic moments, and MM Keeravaani’s BGM played an important role in providing chills throughout.
Lawrence Master’s speech honoring his Guru Rajinikanth, director P.Vasu, and the rest of the team members is the highlight of this event. His response to the question of who the next Superstar is sparked a round applause, and a video of his remarks quickly went viral.
The actor also shares some behind-the-scenes stories and spontaneously reproduces one of the pivotal scenes with Chandramukhi (Kangana Ranaut). He further claimed that Kangana is nicer in person and that there are a few additional secrets about the fearless Kangana that most people are unaware of.
So far, the evaluations on the First Look Poster has a 50/50 split in terms of judging audience excitement for the film. However, the audience’s reaction after after the trailer was quite disappointing because they believe Lawrence Master may not be able to meet the audience’s expectations for the film. This is not to say that Lawrence Master is a bad actor; rather, when compared to Superstar’s performance in the first part, the audience believe that the bar was set too high and that the trailer was average.
Although the reviews and responses have been mixed, there are still those eager to give this new team a chance and are open to changing their minds if the film exceeds their expectations. Let’s all wait and watch how wonderfully Chandramukhi 2 turns out!
Source: The Times of India
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