The life of Thiruvalluvar, renowned for composing the timeless Tamil literary masterpiece “Thirukkural,” is being immortalized in a biopic. The project commenced with a pooja ceremony, marking the beginning of its production journey. This film is being produced by Ramana Communications, the same production company which was behind the acclaimed biopic “Kamaraj,” which depicted the life of Tamil Nadu’s former chief minister, K. Kamaraj, and was a recipient of a special award from the Tamil Nadu government.
Directed by A.J. Balakrishnan, with the screenplay penned by Chembur K. Jayaraj, who also crafted the screenplay for “Kamaraj,” the biopic aims to capture the essence of Thiruvalluvar’s life. Kalaicholan will portray Thiruvalluvar, while Dhanalatchumi takes on the role of Valluvar’s wife, Vasuki. Furthermore, Subramaniya Siva will play Nakkiran, and O.A.K. Sundar will portray the Pandyan King.
Director Balakrishnan remarked, “Though the Thirukkural expresses profound thoughts in two simple lines, it’s not an easy task to adapt its profound essence and soul into a three-hour film.”
In addition to depicting Thiruvalluvar’s life, the film will delve into the realities of Tamil Nadu 2000 years ago, during the period when Thiruvalluvar lived. It will explore the feudal kings and landscapes, as well as the culture, labour, mercantilism, and lifestyle of mediaeval Tamils. The film is planned for a worldwide release with subtitles available in all languages.
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