Astro’s signature Tamil reality dance competition, Aattam, premiered its seventh and eighth episodes, themed ‘Love,’ on December 28 and 29, 2024. The episodes aired at 9pm on Astro Vinmeen (Channel 202) and were available for viewing on TV, Astro GO, On Demand, and sooka.
Following a fierce competition among 10 teams striving for the title of ultimate champion, Millennium Arts, led by Harrish Naathan Eesvaran, topped the leaderboard this week with an impressive score of 90.03. On the other hand, Riyana Arts, who performed to the song Kadhal Sadugudu, concluded their journey with the lowest score of 44.09.
- The scores of the Top 9 teams as below:
Pritha Manivannan, a renowned actress, news anchor, and producer, as well as a passionate advocate for women’s empowerment and cyberbullying awareness, joined the panel as a guest judge. She shared the stage with an esteemed lineup of judges, including MJ Nada, a celebrated local dancer, choreographer, and actor; Aruna, a popular host, classical dancer, dance school co-founder, and former host of Aattam 100 Vagai; and Rameshwara, a talented Singaporean dancer, choreographer, actor, director, and a winner of Aattam 100 Vagai Season 3.
The winners of Aattam have the chance to take home thrilling cash prizes, adding to the excitement and anticipation of the competition. These coveted rewards not only celebrate the talent and dedication of the participants but also elevate the stakes, making victory even more rewarding.
Below are the exciting cash prizes that await Aattam winners:
- Champion: RM50,000;
- First runner up: RM25,000;
- Third and fourth places: RM5,000 each; and
- Fifth and sixth places: RM2,000 each
Don’t miss new episodes of Aattam, airing every Saturday and Sunday at 9pm on Astro Vinmeen (Channel 202). You can tune in via TV, Astro GO, On Demand, or sooka to stay updated on all the excitement!
For more information, visit Astro’s website.
All the information and images are provided by Astro.
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