Aattam, the renowned Tamil reality dance competition on Astro, once again captivated audiences with its high-energy performances and fierce competition. This episode culminated in a stunning victory for Millennium Arts, who claimed the championship title with their extraordinary rendition of the song ‘Netru No No.’ Their flawless execution, creativity, and electrifying stage presence earned them the top spot and left an indelible mark on the audience and judges alike.
The ninth and tenth episodes, centered around the theme of ‘Prabu Deva Round,’ aired on 4th and 5th January 2025 at 9pm on Astro Vinmeen (Channel 202). Viewers could enjoy the episodes through TV, Astro GO, On Demand, and sooka.
These episodes featured Indran, local choreographer and director, as a guest judge this time around, while MJ Nada, distinguished local dancer, choreographer, and actor; Aruna, popular local host, classical dancer, co-founder of a dance school, and former Aattam 100 Vagai host; and Rameshwara, a Singaporean dancer, choreographer, actor, director, and one of the winners of Aattam 100 Vagai Season 3, remained as the permanent judges.
- The scores of the Top 8 teams as below:
Below are the exciting cash prizes that await Aattam winners:
- Champion: RM50,000;
- First runner up: RM25,000;
- Third and fourth places: RM5,000 each; and
- Fifth and sixth places: RM2,000 each
Stay tuned in the coming weeks as the competition intensifies and the battle for dance supremacy heats up. More dazzling performances, thrilling choreography, and unexpected surprises await as the talented teams push their limits to claim victory.
Don’t miss the exciting new episodes of Aattam, airing every Saturday and Sunday at 9pm on Astro Vinmeen (Channel 202). Tune in via TV, Astro GO, On Demand, or sooka to catch all the thrilling dance action!
For more details, visit the Astro website.
All the information and images are provided by Astro.
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