‘Bad Days Don’t Last’ is an upcoming short film produced by Lane Ventures Production and directed by Rubathinesh Nair. Featuring a talented cast including Irfan Zaini, Rubini Sambanthan, and Kris Jay Harish, the film takes on the thrilling tone of a James Bond-style story. It follows the journey of the main character as he navigates a series of challenges while attempting to escape a high-stakes mission. Recently, the teaser for the short film was released, quickly capturing the attention of audiences and generating widespread buzz.
The teaser showcases an intense action sequence filled with intriguing suspense, sparking curiosity about the events that led to the dramatic reactions depicted. Irfan Zaini, the lead actor, delivers a powerful and stylish performance, captivating the audience with his portrayal. The cinematography of ‘Bad Days Don’t Last’ was handled by Yuveen, while the stunt choreography was expertly crafted by Kris Jay Harish, adding to the film’s thrilling atmosphere.
Notably, ‘Bad Days Don’t Last’ was created as a submission for the ‘Frame to Fame’ short film competition organized by Lyca Productions. The team submitted their work in March of last year, but since then, there have been no further updates or announcements from Lyca Productions regarding the progress of the competition.
“Since we had already produced a high-quality short film for the competition, we decided to transform it into a pilot film and submit it to various film festivals. To our surprise, we received a very positive response,” said Rubathinesh, the director of the short film.
‘Bad Days Don’t Last’ has garnered significant acclaim on prestigious international platforms. The short film was officially selected for Best Editing at the Golden Lion Short Film Festival in Italy and the Golden Bridge Istanbul Short Film Festival in Turkey. Additionally, it won multiple awards at the Golden Lion International Film Festival in India, securing the titles for Best Editing and Best International Short Film. The film also earned the Best Cinematography award at the Absurd Film Festival in Italy, further highlighting the exceptional quality of its visuals and storytelling. These recognitions have solidified the film’s place in the global festival circuit and affirmed the team’s remarkable achievement.
Adding to the excitement, the director of the film revealed that actor Irfan had the opportunity to showcase glimpses of Bad Days Don’t Last to acclaimed Kollywood icons such as Director Venkat Prabhu and Thalapathy Vijay. Both praised the film’s high quality, as well as the talent and passion demonstrated by the young team in creating this project. They were particularly impressed that the film was produced by Malaysians, further highlighting the global appeal of the film.
‘Bad Days Don’t Last’ is officially premiering on 10th January 2025, providing the team an opportunity to showcase their work to renowned Malaysian directors, producers, stars, and media platforms. Following the local premiere, the short film will have an international screening in Kolkata from 15th January to 20th January. The team is also exploring the potential to transform Bad Days Don’t Last into a full theatrical film, marking a significant step in their journey. With its impressive reception and recognition from prestigious festivals and industry icons, Bad Days Don’t Last is set to make waves both locally and internationally.
All the images and information Rubathinesh, the director of ‘Bad Days Don’t Last’.
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